Dr. Mohammad Effendy, ST.,MT.

efendiHe obtained his PhD from Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB). His expertise as Senior Energy Auditor is recognized by achieving the Professional Qualifications from the National Board for Professional Certification (BNSP) in the field of Energy Management on Division of Industry. His more than 7 years experience makes him competent in every energy audit steps.

Beside that, since January 2014, he has been involved actively in Professional Certification Body, Association of Energy Conservation Expert (LSP HAKE) as Energy Assessor who give training/course to Auditor Candidates in order to be certified by BNSP


 Dr. Endarto Wardhono, ST., MT.


After completing his Magister Program in ITS Surabaya, he took his PhD in UTC Compiègne France. He has specialty and competency in Thermodynamics of Industrial Process  and involved in European -VEGEPHY Project; an innovative research project in environment friendly product development, collaboration between France and Belgium. His experience in theoretical and analytical practice has been recognized Internationally by publishing them in international journal such as Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering dan Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology.