JAKARTA. The government has targeted growth of the industry could contribute 30% to the national GDP in 2025.
In line with this target, the energy needs in the future, will certainly continue to grow. “Energy has become a basic necessity in the construction industry. Therefore, the energy needs to achieve the growth of the industry is very important,” said Industry Minister Mohammad S. Hidayat, Tuesday (16/7).
As is known, fossil fuels such as petroleum, coal, and natural gas is still the main energy source in Indonesia. The third source of energy is not renewable and depleting its existence.
On the other hand, the availability of renewable energy sources a small amount (5%), such as biomass, small hydropower, solar power, and wind power.
In this regard, the government has issued Pemeritnah Regulation (PP) No. 70 of 2009 on the Conservation of Energy which requires companies energy users who consume more than or equal to 6.000 TOE (tonnes of oil equivalent) per year, shall conduct periodic energy audits.
The Ministry of Industry has the energy conservation strategy, which is preferably for energy intensive industries. There are seven industry sectors included in the energy-intensive industry, the fertilizer industry, pulpdan paper, textiles, cement, steel, ceramic, and palm oil processing industry.
“Energy efficiency is a priority program of industrial development such as the development of vehicles with low carbon emission technologies such as electric cars, hybrid and bio-fuel that will reduce emissions while saving fuel,” said Hidayat.
The use of energy in Indonesia, among others, the steel industry, that figure consumption reached 900 kWh / ton of product. Compare with India which only amounted to 600 kWh / ton of product or Japan 350 kWh / ton of produc
Source : Kontan.