The condition of our country today is very different from two decades back, when the fuel supply is abundant in comparison with domestic use, so that we are known as one of the oil exporting countries.
However, along with the declining number of oil production in our country along with the increased use of fuel has resulted in our country had a deficit of fuel. So now our country has become a net importer of fuel, wherein the amount of fuel that is imported to meet domestic demand greater than exports.
Coupled with the lack of power supply due to growing electricity demand faster than a power plant. Also due to the lack of investment in this sector due to the monetary crisis that occurred a few years ago.
The above conditions, cause the supply of energy to support economic growth is increasingly critical to economic growth will be reduced. But in fact, the use of energy in Indonesia is still relatively wasteful, this is due to the cheapness of energy prices so that consumers tend to use excessive energy.
Under the law No. 30 of 2007 on the energy chapter 25 states that energy conservation is the responsibility of national governments, local governments, employers, and communities, covering all phases of energy management. Energy users and energy-saving equipment manufacturers implement energy conservation given the ease and / or incentives by the government and / or local governments.
Energy users do not implement energy conservation given the disincentives / sanctioned by the government and / or local governments, further provisions regarding the implementation of energy conservation and the provision of facilities, incentives and disincentives, is regulated by the Government and or regional regulation.
Energy policy direction of the image as mentioned above, especially the conservation of energy until 2025 should reach 33.85%. Utilization of Energy Conservation In accordance with Article 12 government ordinance 70 of 2009 states that the energy utilization by users of energy sources and energy must be done sparingly and efficiently, users of energy sources and energy use of energy resources and / or energy greater than or equal 6,000 (six thousand) tons of oil equivalent per year are required to conduct energy conservation through energy management, energy management is done by:
- appoint energy managers;
- draw up energy conservation programs;
- carrying out energy audits on a regular basis;
- implement energy audit recommendations; and
- reported on the implementation of energy conservation every year to the Minister, the Governor, or the Regent / Mayor in accordance with their respective authorities.
The growth of energy demand by an annual average of sectoral dalah as follows: 7.5% in industry, 6.5% in transport, 0.3% of households, 8.1% in the commercial sector, 4.6% in the sector more, and 1.3% for non-energy use. With such growth, then in 2030 the share of final energy demand will be dominated by the industrial sector (45.8%), followed by transportation (30.5%), household (11.2%), commercial (5.2%) , others (2.2%), and non-energy (5.1%).
The energy needs that will be dominated by the industrial sector calls for the implementation of energy saving in the industrial sector. In order to measure the success of the process of energy saving in the industrial sector, it needed a base value of the energy needs in the industry for each type of industry, which will be used as a baseline.